What is the Size of the Pools at Lifetime Fitness in Garden City?

Kate Hughes and Hilary Topper at Lifetime Fitness Pool

There is so much misinformation on both the web and in the facility at Lifetime Fitness in Garden City. When I first joined, I was told the indoor pool was meters and the outdoor pool was yards. Even when you surf the internet you will see that this is confirmed. However, this is not true!

Asking the lifeguards

Even when you ask the lifeguards each will tell you a different answer. So, for the longest time I thought the indoor pool was meters and was swimming at lightning speed. Can I really be going this fast? How did that happen?

Deacon, the head lifeguard on the weekends, insisted that the indoor pool was yards and the outdoor pool was meters. I didn’t know who to believe, so after discussing with my coach, we decided that I should swim a 400.

outdoor pool at Lifetime FitnessWhen we looked at the distance and the time, we determined that Deacon was indeed correct. The indoor pool at Lifetime Fitness is Garden City is 25 yards.

Deacon confirmed

Deacon also confirmed with me that the outdoor pool was meters. The other day when I was swimming, something was off either with my watch or with the size of the pool. I called the club and talked with the aquatic manager, “is the outdoor pool meters?”

It felt a little longer than the indoor pool, but I wasn’t certain. Again, the aquatic manager confirmed that the outdoor pool is meters.

So if you are wondering what the pool size is at Lifetime Fitness in Garden City, rest assured the indoor pool is yards and the outdoor pool is meters.

Happy training!