What Should You Look For When Buying a Road or Tri Bike?

Hilary interviews Ahmed of PlayTri Stores

In the world of triathlon coaching and equipment, few names stand as tall as Ahmed Zaher, the CEO of PlayTri Store. With stores spread across Texas, California, Florida, and Colorado, PlayTri has become a go-to destination for triathletes seeking top-tier coaching and high-quality gear.

Recently, I had the privilege of interviewing Ahmed Zaher, delving into some of the most pressing topics for triathletes. Our conversation touched on some fascinating points, from buying online versus in-store to measuring an inseam and the debate between road bikes with aero bars or tri bikes for hills.

Buying Online Vs. In-Store

In this digital age, buying online is convenient and offers a broader range of choices. However, Ahmed stressed the unique benefits of in-store shopping. The ability to physically inspect products, try them on, and get expert advice tailored to your specific needs can significantly enhance your purchasing experience and ensure you walk away with the right gear.

Hilary interviews Ahmed of PlayTri Stores

Measuring an Inseam

Accurate measurements are crucial when it comes to choosing the right bike. Ahmed shared his insights on how to measure an inseam correctly, ensuring a perfect fit and optimal performance on the track.

Road Bike with Aero bars or Tri Bike for Hills?

Our conversation then turned to a common dilemma for triathletes: Should you use a road bike with aero bars or a tri bike for hills? Ahmed provided valuable insights, discussing the pros and cons of each option and offering guidance on making the right choice based on individual circumstances and preferences.

A Word on Components

As a former member of the Egyptian Olympic swim team and 8-time Hawaii Ironman finisher, Ahmed brought a wealth of athletic training and personal experience to our discussion. He gave an in-depth talk about various bike components and their impact on performance.

Want More?

If you’re as captivated by these topics as I was during our conversation, I have great news! You can watch the full interview on my YouTube channel. Not only will you get to hear Ahmed’s insights in full, but you’ll also become part of a community passionate about triathlons and endurance sports.

In addition, Ahmed offered his expertise. If you have any question about bikes, components or accessories, contact him at [email protected].

Watch the interview here: YouTube video and don’t forget to subscribe for more exciting content!