Pacific Health Labs Review

Accelerade and Endurox combination

Back in 2016 while I was training for the NYC Marathon, my coach, Jeff Galloway, told me to try Accelerade and Endurox. I used the Accelerade for my long training and Endurox for after the workout. The products, produced by Pacific Health Labs, definitely worked and I was able to complete the marathon without bonking at mile 22.

Accelerade and Endurox combination



Accelerade is a sports drink, powered by its patented 4:1 carbohydrate-protein ratio. Its unique combination of 3 short-acting, high-glycemic carbohydrates provides fast energy delivery to muscles with no delay from stomach absorption.

Along with electrolytes and branched-chain amino acids, this composition works synergistically to reduce fatigue during exercise and speed up recovery afterward.

In multiple studies, Accelerade has been shown to enhance endurance and reduce muscle damage more effectively than traditional sports drinks and water, making it 15% more effective than Gatorade and 40% more effective than water as a rehydration drink.

The mix comes in four different flavors: Fruit Punch, Lemon Lime, Lemonade, and Orange. I have the Fruit Punch. It’s not a bad taste but it’s not delicious either. But for me, if it works, it doesn’t matter!

Price: $29.99

Endurox R4

Endurox R4

Endurox R4 revolutionized the science of muscle recovery with its patented 4:1 carb-protein ratio.

Developed by six leading exercise scientists and backed by 18 peer-reviewed studies, it has become the go-to drink for serious athletes in all sports.

Studies have reported a 55% increase in endurance and a 14% increase in muscle function during subsequent workouts, proving that its unique combination of rapid-acting carbohydrates, glutamine, and antioxidants accelerates recovery, and protein synthesis, and raises training levels beyond what was previously possible.

Compared to a carbohydrate-only beverage and even a protein drink alone, Endurox has been shown to be 400% more effective at quickly replenishing muscle cell stores within the 45-minute window after exercise.

The mix comes in four different flavors: Tangy Orange, Fruit Punch, Chocolate, and Lemon Lime.

Price: $32.99

Pacific Health Labs Supplements

Pacific Health Labs Supplements


Healthy Joints – Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM

Healthy Joints

Healthy Joints gummies are formulated to provide gentle, natural relief from joint stiffness and support healthy joints. Made with glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and MSM, these gummies are thought to help promote the production of important chemical compounds – such as collagen – in articular cartilage and synovial fluid to minimize friction between bones. In athletes, studies indicate that it may protect joint tissue by preventing cartilage breakdown. Chondroitin increases the synthesis of various cartilage components while also preventing breakdown and MSM reduces inflammation in the body, as well as inhibits cartilage deterioration associated with joint degeneration. These ingredients together provide comprehensive support for healthy joints.

Taste: Take two gummies daily. They taste delicious and they work like a charm!

Price: $24.99



Endurance athletes understand the importance of boosting their immune system to improve performance and reduce the risk of injury. ImmunoARMOR is a dietary supplement specially formulated to protect against illnesses and infections in today’s environment. It contains Ciwujia, an adaptogen known for its ability to help increase energy, improve stamina and boost immunity. Additionally, it has Turmeric, Vitamins C & E, and Zinc – all with unique properties that contribute to immune system health.

Two pills are taken daily. ImmunoARMOR can help endurance athletes stay healthy by reducing the risk of illness and infection while also aiding in recovery time from any sickness or injury they may encounter. This helps athletes get back on their feet faster and continue training or competing without interruption.

Price: $34.99


Anti Inflammatory

Turmeric and Ginger are two powerful natural ingredients traditionally used to reduce fatigue, relieve pain, enhance joint and muscle health, and improve the condition of the skin. They are also rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that help protect against sustained inflammation caused by age and poor diet. Taking a daily supplement combining Turmeric Curcumin Extract, Ginger Extract, and Black Pepper Extract (Piperine) can help maintain healthy brain and body function from childhood through adulthood. Curcumin has been studied extensively for its known anti-inflammatory properties while gingerol in ginger reduces pain. Piperine helps to increase curcumin absorption in the body by up to 2,000%, allowing for maximum benefits from the combination of these powerful ingredients.

Price: $24.99



Ashwagandha is an ancient herb renowned for its potent health benefits. Withania somnifera, commonly known as Indian Ginseng or Winter Cherry, is the scientific name for this powerful herbal remedy used in the Indian Ayurvedic system as a rejuvenator.

Their premium Ashwagandha Gummies can contribute to body strength and endurance, reduction of anxiety and stress symptoms, and improve brain functions like memory. They may also help reduce blood sugar levels, and inflammation and improve sleep. Studies have further suggested that ashwagandha can benefit athletic performance, reduce symptoms of some mental health conditions, boost testosterone levels, and increase fertility in men.

Price: $19.99

Mushrooms X

Mushrooms X

Having a long history of being used as a health-promoting and nutritional ingredient in Eastern medicine, Mushrooms X is blended with proprietary combinations of four major mushrooms. It also includes six mushroom extracts to provide maximum mushroom benefits in each dose. Cordyceps can help boost stamina*, Reishi can support the immune system*, Shiitake could promote immune health* and Lions Mane can benefit cognitive health*. With Mushroom X, you get all the goodness of mushrooms in one convenient supplement!

Price: $34.99



EstroCell is an advanced DIM complex designed to help balance hormones and support weight management. Formulated with BioPerine®, a patented nutrient to increase nutrient bioavailability, this supplement also features Diindolylmethane (DIM) which can be found in cruciferous vegetables and leafy greens, such as broccoli, mustard greens, and kale. The combination of Broccoli Florets which contain antioxidant compounds, Vitamin C, and minerals plus Calcium D-Glucarate, helps create a positive hormonal health environment. EstroCell may also help boost moods by providing essential nutrients that regulate hormones and promote emotional healing. Plus, its ingredients target the root causes of hormone imbalances to prevent weight gain caused by too much or too little estrogen.

Price: $34.99