Training Meals – A New App that Works with Training Peaks

training meals

For the longest time, I kept thinking there must be a nutritional element within or that connects with Training Peaks.  Now there is with Training Meals.

I recently caught up with the CEO, Gary Jomrich to find out his inspiration on making the app. “I was training for Ironman and I wondered what I should eat. That’s when it came to me.”

Training Meals

The company is a natural for Gary and his wife. Gary owns two NYC restaurants – Snack and Snack Traverna in the Village. His wife is a nutritionist. So, they invented Training Meals.

On the dashboard page on the left hand side, you will see training plans, activities, meal analytics, supplements, and your profile.

Training Plans:

The training plan section hooks up with Training Peaks, Garmin, Fitbit and some other apps. I use Training Peaks so it downloads my trainings in the training section.

When I went to my training plans, there was an error in the program because at this point, all of my training was done in time not distance. When I asked Gary if they could change it, he said, “We are asking for time and distance as this determines your pace. Your pace will improve at the same level of exhaustion when you are better trained and eat appropriately. We use distance not to determine your caloric need but as a tool to track fitness. HR Zone and time determine your caloric output prediction. Having said that, please put in a ballpark figure on distance. Once the workout is done and your smart device is synced, we know your distance anyway. And yes, we use this data to learn which foods have what effect on athletes.”

Meal Analytics

This is the real meat and potatoes! Here, you get to see a breakdown of your macronutrients, which is quite clever. Carbs, fats and proteins are broken down and you get to see your trace elements and vitamins.


The supplement page looks like this and throughout the course of the program, supplements may be recommended to you. Any of the supplements can be purchased directly on the site.


Getting back to the dashboard, depending on your mileage, Training Meals will determine your calorie intake. If you click on the links for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, etc., Training Meals will provide you with choices that you can prepare yourself. Recipes are provided. Here’s a sampling of the breakfast choices. This is just a sampling. There are many more choices. With each choice, they provide the caloric intake along with the macronutrients. Pretty cool stuff!

Now, where it gets even cooler, there is a shopping feature that links with Whole Foods via Amazon. You can shop for your foods right on the site. If you don’t want to order them through Amazon, you can call up Fresh Direct or go to your local supermarket and pick up what you need to prepare these delicious looking meals!

This program is currently for those of us who want to maintain weight and be as efficient as possible but soon, the owner told me, there will be a weight loss component coming.

My takeaways

I’m really excited about the possibilities of this new start up. I think they are on to something big here because as we all know, what we eat affects the outcome of our performance.

For more information on Training Meals go to There is a fee of $59.99 to join and to me, it looks like it’s well-worth it!