Will There Be Races in 2021?

I received a beautiful booklet from Ironman the other day. Since I’m in the business of PR and marketing, my first thought, “this brochure must have cost them a fortune!” I started to flip through and look at the gorgeous photos of Ironman events around the country. It was quite compelling. My mind slipped away as I envisioned competing in a full Ironman. Then, I snapped back in reality, “will there even be any races in 2021?”

One of my teammates posted a race in which she was interested in California. Another teammate said she is going to do a race upstate New York. And yet still, I ponder whether there will be races in 2021.

Reflecting back on the year

This year was a shock to all of us. Who would have thought that the entire year would be have been a bust???

I signed up for NYC Half Marathon (March), St. Anthony’s Triathlon (April), Rock ‘n Rock Atlantic City (May), 5 Mile Maggie Fischer swim, EventPower’s SmithPoint Triathlon, and Event Power’s Mighty Montauk Relay (swim portion). I had a packed year, as I would guess many of you had too. And yet, everything was canceled or went virtual.

But, it’s funny, it didn’t unmotivate me. It actually gave me an opportunity to focus on things that I may not have focused on if I were just training for these races.

I had the opportunity to enjoy training in a way that I haven’t in years past. I don’t know if it was the company or the no stress factor that just made me happy getting up in the morning ready to workout.

Virtual Races

After the pandemic started, I signed up for a bunch of virtual races including the subway series, the Disney challenge, and a host of other races. But you know what? They didn’t motivate me. I ran the races and waited weeks, even months before getting the medal which when I received felt meaningless to me.

So should we sign up for races in 2021?

I think we should but we should be wary that they could change and become virtual. And, if they do, see what feels right with you. Do you want to compete in a virtual race? Or, would you prefer to race in 2022? Your call.

Whatever the case, enjoy the working out and if you don’t do something else. You may find that after time, you will remember your love for triathlons and come back. And, when you do, we are always here for you!