Zealios Race Relief Product Review

Zealios Race Relief

You know when you go for a long bike ride, swim, and or run, and your muscles feel sore right away? That’s the time to grab your Zealios Race Relief and apply it to the sore areas.

What’s so special about Race Relief?

Well for starters, it has 4% menthol sport strength, 12 natural herbal extracts to soothe inflamed areas, has an instant deep cooling formula, and offers long-lasting relief and comfort. It’s a non-greasy and fast-absorbing formula with no artificial dyes or added fragrances. It’s free of NSAIDs, steroids, and parabens. This product is vegan and cruelty-free. And, it comes in a 3 oz. tube.

Pre and Post Workouts

Some people online have used Race Relief prior to working out and then after working out and they love it. I haven’t tried before, but I have tried after and it really does feel better. My soar muscles seem to dissipate.

On the website, there are 25 reviews and each one offered a five-star rating. Pretty impressive huh?

That sold me and I look forward to continuing to use it, this time pre-workout in addition to post-workout.

The price of a 3oz tube of Race Relief is $18. You can pick it up on the website at http://www.teamzealios.com. Use the code:

ZupWERENDURANCE21 to get 25% OFF.

Hilary Topper's 5 star rating